Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Positive Feedback from Pride of Table Mountain Trail

A letter of thanks from a teacher at Northwood Primary School. The learners attended a Pride of Table Mountain Trail on Saturday, 24 March, 2012:

Dear Sharon,
I must commend you and your team for Saturday, 24 March. Their input, general attitude, making Science come alive in a fun way, and the pace of the hike as well as waiting on the last hiker to reach the group before they start, with their presentation improved 100%!
All of the learners agree that they had a fantastic time and learnt some new things. I would recommend any school to bring their learners on one of these hikes. Thank you, once again, for creating this opportunity for our learners.

Monday, March 26, 2012

Bay Gallery exhibition generates funds for Forever Wild Rhino Protection Initiative

Gerry van de Helde, who made the successful bid for 'Rhino' by Zakkie Eloff, and Tracy-Lee Campbell (Club Mykonos Resort) at the Opening on Tuesday, 20th March, at Bay Gallery, Marra Square, Bree St., Langebaan. Both of them made generous donations to the Wilderness Foundation's Forever Wild Rhino Protection Initiative.
Thanks to those who also made donations to this worthwhile cause.
The exhibition runs until the end of April.

More paintings are available for purchase, to view them, follow this link... 

Monday, March 19, 2012

Update on Kariega Rhinos - 15 March 2012

They’re alive! Both Themba and Thandi continue to fight for their lives at Kariega. Thandi is simply inspirational ! The way she is moving around the reserve indicates her position in the recovery process is improving every day. We found her running with a female and calf which we dehorned the other day so she is socially intergrating again which is a very positive sign.

Her face is also showing some good signs of progress. The maggot infestation is much improved and the level of infection has reduced around her facial injuries.  Under anesthetic she was stable and we were able to do some aggressive cleaning down to the exposed bone.

Thursday, March 15, 2012

Art exhibition in aid of rhinos at The Bay Gallery

Art in the heart of Langebaan - The Bay Gallery will be hosting a "save the rhino" wildlife exhibition opening on Tuesday, 20 March from 6-8pm. The gallery is located in Marra Square, Bree Street, Langebaan.
The exhibition runs until the end of April and a portion of funds raised will be donated to the Wilderness Foundation's Forever Wild Rhino Protection Initiative.

Link to The Bay Gallery:

View some of the paintings that will be on exhibition here:

Monday, March 12, 2012

Positive Feedback from February Pride Trails

Two Pride outreach trails took place in Groendal in February this year headed up by our Experiential Education manager, Lihle Mbokazi. Each trail experienced extremes of weather, with blistering heat on Saturday, 11 February and hard rain on Saturday, 18 February.
“It was amazing to see the learners’ reaction on both dates,” says Lihle. “When I collected the group on the 11th they were there waiting for me with their teacher. Despite the heat, they had fun walking and showed a lot of interest in what the guides taught them.”
Although it drizzled during the trail on the 18th, Lihle managed to ensure that the kids had an enjoyable outing. “I explained how amazing the Groendal area is, and how much fun we were going to have, and everyone cheered up. When we turned back for lunch, the kids all said that they didn’t want to go home.”

Comments from trailists:
“The guide’s were excellent, they were very professional and I would say they know what they are doing and are good at it. What I like most about the  Pride  Outreach is the games we played and some new stuff that we leaned. Two things I’ve learned from  Pride  is that it’s more a battle out in Nature than in the City. And that you can do and achieve whatever you like if you have ambition for it. It was a nice long walk but I enjoyed it.” L.R.

Feedback from Umzi Wethu February Training - Port Elizabeth

“For me February has been the best month in class because I loved every minute of being in class. I feel comfortable, and in terms of books it has been interesting, I have learnt a lot in terms of how to be a good manager one day, and for practical’s I loved it. It’s a pleasure for me to say thanks to our hospitality lecturers for giving out their time to teach us more things and not giving up on us. THANKS.”

“For me February was a best month at Umzi Wethu especially in class because now I am learning how to use the computer and my teacher is good and understanding and she is trying very hard to help us in everything. The coffee shop is also good and exciting we are learning more every day.”

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