Monday, July 6, 2009

Weekend Post
THE Port Elizabeth eyeware company Spec-Savers has made a visionary pledge to boost a local conservation and social upliftment project and, at the same time, to combat climate change.

The Herald Citizen of the Year adds Men's Health award to accolades..

The Herald Citizen of the Year adds Men's Health award to accolades..Date: 23 June 2009 The Herald Citizen of the Year adds Men's Health award to accoladesWeekend Post - Port Elizabeth,Eastern Cape,South AfricaLAST year's The Herald Citizen of the Year award winner Andrew Muir has received ... doing at the Umzi Wethu training ...

Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Eyeware firm takes green view of Eastern Cape

Eyeware firm takes green view of Eastern CapeWeekend Post - Port Elizabeth,South AfricaThe project will focus on the Baviaanskloof, where a team of formerly jobless people, guided by the Wilderness Foundation, are to plant thousands of ...See all stories on this topic

Monday, February 16, 2009

Top Eastern Cape Aids programme expanding...

Top Eastern Cape Aids programme expandingThe Herald Eastern Cape - Port Elizabeth,Eastern Cape,South AfricaTHE Wilderness Foundation‘s award- winning Aids intervention programme is set to expand from its Eastern Cape roots into other parts of the country and the ...See all stories on this topic

The Wilderness Foundation UK - Headlines

WILD's Blog - Headlines